kInsert EQU 0 ; Only insert the input entry if there is nothing in the dictionary that matches the key.
kReplace EQU 1 ; Only replace the entries which match the key with the input entry.
kInsertOrReplace EQU 2 ; Insert the entry if there is nothing in the dictionary which matches the key, otherwise replaces the existing matched entries with the input entry.
; This Was InsertMode
; typedef short DictionaryDataInsertMode
; Key attribute constants
kIsCaseSensitive EQU $10 ; case sensitive = 16
kIsNotDiacriticalSensitive EQU $20 ; diac not sensitive = 32
; Registered attribute type constants.
kNoun EQU -1
kVerb EQU -2
kAdjective EQU -3
kAdverb EQU -4
; This Was AttributeType
; typedef SInt8 DictionaryEntryAttribute
; Dictionary information record
DictionaryInformation RECORD 0
dictionaryFSSpec ds FSSpec ; offset: $0 (0)
numberOfRecords ds.l 1 ; offset: $46 (70)
currentGarbageSize ds.l 1 ; offset: $4A (74)
script ds.w 1 ; offset: $4E (78)
maximumKeyLength ds.w 1 ; offset: $50 (80)
keyAttributes ds.b 1 ; offset: $52 (82)
ORG 84
sizeof EQU * ; size: $54 (84)
DictionaryAttributeTable RECORD 0
datSize ds.b 1 ; offset: $0 (0)
datTable ds.b 1 ; offset: $1 (1) <-- really an array of length one